(6 customer reviews)


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What’s Cinnamint like? Well, let us explain…


It’s like dancing around a blazing fire on a cold night. You feel both the chilly night air and the heat from the flames, fire and ice mixing together. It’s thrilling and wonderful. Life is full of spice – let this Cinnamint inhaler take you there.


Ingredients: Menthol, Natural Flavors, Peppermint Oil, Eucalyptus Oil.


6 reviews for CINNAMINT

  1. William.D

    i don’t feel it gives me a whole lot of energy but i do like the product and the scents and menthol are awesome

  2. David.L

    I like the mild stimulation this gives me with every sniff. It provides a pleasant boost after waking up. The cooling menthol feels nice and opens up my nasal passages allowing me to breath better. I tend to be congested due to allergies, so this is a plus. It’s not a mind-blowing stimulating experience, but definitely worth the price if you’re looking for a mild boost in stimulation and alertness at any point in your day.

  3. alex

    I use this to help me breath well

  4. DaffyLily

    I mostly got these just gout of curiosity. And to my surprise they actually work. And it must be much more healthy than a redbull for those late work nights or late saturday nights with the boys.

  5. Andy

    It’s probably more of a psychological thing, but it does wake me up a little. It also smells good and when you breathe it in it feels like chewing on a super spicy chewing gum. It makes your nose free and gives you a little kick. I like that you can buy all three different flavors in one package to switch it up a little and figure out which one your favorite is.

  6. infinite

    i’ve been using the minty one for over two months now. still going strong. the cap on the bottom fell off a month ago. i sealed it with scotch tape so it’s still usable. I don’t really feel like it wakes me up when I’m a little sleepy. I also use it when I drive. good for stuffy nose.

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