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FH PRO Omega 3 contains the fats you need to support optimal reproductive health and fertility. Includes pharmaceutical grade EPA and DHA for maximum purity and quality.

EPA and DHA, Fats from Fish Oil, are Essential for Optimal Male and Female Fertility

Do you have a fear of dietary fat? If your answer is yes, it wouldn’t be surprising, given that for several decades now we have been told that eating foods that contain fat is bad for our waistlines and our hearts. This fear of dietary fat has given rise to a huge demand for low fat foods, and the aisles of the grocery store are now stocked with reduced-fat and fat-free options of just about every food imaginable. But, unfortunately, our obsession with avoiding all types of dietary fat comes at a cost for fertility. While it is certainly true that too much of the wrong types of fat, namely saturated fats and trans fats, are not good for our overall health, there are certain types of fat that are, in fact, essential to good health and optimal fertility. FH Pro Omega 3 contains the fats you need to support optimal reproductive health and fertility.

Why are Omega-3 Fats Beneficial for Fertility

Omega 3 fats are necessary for optimal reproductive health and fertility, and it is likely that you are not getting enough. Omega-3 fats are considered to be “essential” to the human diet because the body depends on these fats for a variety of functions, but cannot synthesize them – hence the need to consume foods and supplements containing Omega-3 fats. The best food sources of Omega-3 fats are flaxseed oil and fish oil, but, again, if you are like most Americans, a 2014 study indicates that you are not meeting recommended levels for Omega-3 fat intake. (Papanikolaou Y, et al. U.S. adults are not meeting recommended levels for fish and omega-3 fatty acid intake: results of an analysis using observational data from NHANES 2003-2008. Nutritional Journal 2014:13:31.)

Fish oil deserves special attention here because certain types of fish are rich in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), two fats that are especially important for fertility. In women, EPA and DHA are believed to help regulate hormones, reduce inflammation, promote cervical mucus production, and reduce blood clotting , all of which is beneficial for fertility. EPA and DHA are also believed to be important for helping to prevent miscarriages and preterm labor and for brain and eye development in the fetus. In men, low intake of Omega-3 fats has been associated with poor sperm production and quality.

How To Increase Your Intake of Omega-3 Fats

One way to increase your intake of EPA and DHA is to eat more fish. However, some organizations, including the National Resources Defense Council, caution against eating farm-raised fish of all types (due to possible contamination with PCBs), and certain types of wild-caught fish, due to the presence of mercury – a toxic heavy metal. A high-quality fish oil supplement is a clean and convenient way to get the EPA and DHA you need.

FH-Pro Omega 3 for Men and Women contains oil only from small fish, including herring, mackerel, sardines and anchovies, caught in the cold water of Iceland using sustainable fishing practices. The EPA and DHA-rich oil is then processed in a GMP (good manufacturing practices)-compliant facility to remove heavy metals and pesticides, resulting in premium quality fish oil that is pharmaceutical grade and meets or exceeds all official regulations related to environmental contaminants.

Each bottle contains 90 capsules, a 1-month supply.


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