FAIRHAVEN – OvaBoost for Egg Quality

FAIRHAVEN – OvaBoost for Egg Quality


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Doctor designed reproductive support to protect egg cells from the damaging effects of toxins, age, and stress. Helps eggs produce the energy needed for successful conception and implantation.

Improve Egg Quality and Support Reproductive Function

The quantity of eggs that a female is born with diminishes with age, and unlike with male sperm, the female body cannot increase the egg count. In addition to quantity reducing with age, the quality of a woman’s eggs also diminishes with age, which can be more detrimental to overall fertility than diminishing ovarian reserve. OvaBoost is an all-natural reproductive support dietary supplement that contains a combination of vitamins and antioxidants including myo-inositol, folate, melatonin, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, grapeseed extract and alpha-lipoic acid, which have been scientifically demonstrated to help improve egg health and optimize ovarian function. The good news is that women can increase egg quality!

What Can Be Hurting Your Eggs?

Age isn’t the only factor that impacts egg quality, and even young women can have suboptimal egg health. Chronic exposure to environmental toxins, stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalances, and ovarian surgeries all take a toll on egg quality, making it difficult to conceive. In a recent landmark study, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) warned that “exposure to toxic environmental chemicals during pregnancy and breastfeeding is ubiquitous and is a threat to healthy human reproduction“. Poor egg quality can lead to fertility issues in a few different ways. As egg quality decreases it is more difficult for sperm to fertilize the egg, implantation following fertilization is less likely to be successful, and miscarriages are more frequent due to chromosomal abnormalities.

Research indicates that egg cells are highly susceptible to harm from free radicals, the unstable oxygen molecules that are produced as the body breaks down toxins. And, to function in a healthy way, egg cells need to produce a tremendous amount of energy. OvaBoost was formulated by a team of medical experts to include key ingredients to protect egg cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and to help egg cells produce the energy they need for successful conception and implantation.*

How OvaBoost Works

OvaBoost has a unique formulation highlighted by a trio of ingredients – myo-inositol, folic acid, and melatonin – that has been scientifically proven to improve egg quality. Folic acid is already well-known for its ability to prevent neural tube defects, and it is recommended that all women of child-bearing age take in a sufficient amount of folic acid. But, recent research in women undergoing IVF treatments indicates that when folic acid is given in combination with two powerful antioxidants, myo-inositol and melatonin, egg quality is significantly improved. Recent research also confirms that myo-inositol works to improve insulin sensitivity, thereby helping to promote optimal ovarian function and cycle regularity in women with PCOS.

In addition, OvaBoost includes Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is also a powerful antioxidant. But, CoQ10 also plays an important role in energy production within egg cells. Once conception occurs, the amount of cell division that occurs to allow the egg to grown into an embryo and successfully implant into the wall of the uterus requires a tremendous amount of energy. CoQ10 works within the mitochondria (the energy powerhouse of the cell) of the egg cell to help ensure that energy production is optimal.

Finally, OvaBoost contains three additional antioxidant ingredients, Vitamin E, grapeseed extract and alpha lipoic acid, to help ensure your egg cells are adequately protected from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Folate vs Synthetic Folic Acid

Due to the fundamental role that folic acid plays in reproductive health and pregnancy wellness, further explanation about this crucial vitamin is warranted. The words folate and folic acid are often used interchangeably to describe the vitamin known as vitamin B9. Folate is the form of this vitamin that naturally occurs in foods – dark, green leafy vegetables are good sources of naturally occurring folate. Folic acid is the synthetic form of vitamin B9 that is found in fortified foods and most dietary supplements. While the research in this area is still emerging, many experts believe that folic acid is not sufficiently metabolized by some people. To help ensure optimal utilization of the folate in OvaBoost, OvaBoost features Quatrefolic™, a form of folate that is more bioavailable than synthetic folic acid. Get the best bang for your buck when it comes to supplementing with this important vitamin!

Who Should Take OvaBoost?

OvaBoost is intended to optimize egg quality and enhance the process of ovulation in trying to conceive women of all ages. OvaBoost is especially helpful for trying-to-conceive women who are over the age of 30 and for women who have PCOS. Given the everyday chemicals we simply can’t avoid, every woman can benefit from taking steps to improve egg quality before conception. Grow your baby starting with the healthiest egg you can provide!

The formulation for OvaBoost was developed on the basis of a large, and ever-growing, body of scientific literature that explains the underlying causes of poor egg quality and ovarian dysfunction, and points to effective and promising natural ingredients for improving egg quality and ovarian function. To see a sample of the scientific papers (all available in MEDLINE) that were reviewed and considered in the development of this product.

Double Your Efforts with a Remove and Repair Bundle for Women

A New York Times article written shortly after the release of the FIGO study recommends avoiding everyday chemicals as a good first step. However, the fact of the matter is that the ubiquity of endocrine disrupting chemicals in our work places, homes, food, air and water makes avoidance very difficult. Your body is equipped to handle a certain amount of toxin removal on its own but the levels of everyday chemicals in our lives is surpassing the body’s capabilities for removal. Imagine pouring cough syrup onto a spoon – when you pour too much, the spoon overflows. It’s the same with our bodies – when too many toxins are coming in, the overflow chemicals stay in the body instead of being handled by the liver and intestines and then excreted.

The overflow toxins in your body will lead to an excess of free radicals. If you don’t have enough antioxidants to balance the free radicals, your body will be in what is known as ‘oxidative stress’. Egg cells are especially vulnerable to damage from oxidative stress. Damage from endocrine disrupting chemicals not only results in a whole host of fertility related issues but also increases the risk of having a baby with a genitalia-related birth defect such as hypospadias, a condition in which boys are born with a urethra opening on the side of the penis rather than at the tip.

The new Fairhaven Health Endocrine Disrupter Restore Bundle contains FertileDetox and OvaBoost. FertileDetox will enhance your body’s capability to remove more toxins before they can cause damage and OvaBoost will give your body enough antioxidants to balance excess free radicals and improve the health of your eggs. Avoid what toxins you can, but raise your efforts to remove endocrine disrupting chemicals and repair the damage using Endocrine Disrupter Restore Bundle. Give your baby the best start to life.

Frequently Asked Questions – OvaBoost for Women

How long should I take OvaBoost?

We recommend taking OvaBoost for a minimum of 3 months, or as long as you are actively trying to conceive. OvaBoost can be discontinued once pregnancy has been confirmed.

How long will it take to experience the benefits of OvaBoost?

The ingredients in OvaBoost will begin to work immediately to improve egg quality and the process of ovulation. And, while results may vary from one woman to the next, we expect to see improvements in egg quality, ovarian function, and cycle regularity within 3 months.

Are there any known side effects or contraindications?

OvaBoost has no known side effects. However, as with any dietary supplement, if you have a pre-existing medical condition, we recommend that you discuss taking OvaBoost with your doctor. Please consult with your physician before taking OvaBoost if you have been prescribed a medication for depression or anxiety, or if you are taking the herb St. John’s Wort, as large amounts of myo-inositol may have additive effects when taken along with drugs and herbs classified as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI).

Please also note that melatonin is frequently recommended as a natural remedy for helping to restore normal sleep cycles in people with insomnia. OvaBoost contains a small amount of melatonin. When taking in the recommended dosage, we do not expect OvaBoost to impact your sleep cycle, or your day time energy levels or alertness. If you experience a change, we do recommend that you take all capsules just before bedtime.

I notice that OvaBoost contains melatonin. Will this product impact my typical sleep pattern?

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant compound that has been shown to be helpful for improving egg quality, especially when given in combination with folic acid and myo-inositol. In addition, melatonin is a frequently recommended natural ingredient for helping to restore normal sleep cycles in people with insomnia. OvaBoost contains a small amount of melatonin, similar to the amount given to trying-to-conceive women in clinical trials looking at the benefits of this natural ingredient for improving egg quality. When taken in the recommended dosage, we do not expect OvaBoost to impact your sleep cycle, or your day time energy levels or alertness. If you experience a change, we do recommend that you take all capsules just before bedtime.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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