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(18 customer reviews)


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Sweet Sweat is a topical gel that improves circulation, energy, and sweating during exercise. Made with all natural materials, the gel may be used as often as you like with no harmful side effects. Many long time users say they will never workout without it.

  • Accelerates warm-up and recovery time
  • Targets slow-to-respond problem and injured areas
  • Promotes an additional increase in circulation, sweating, and motivation
  • Fights muscle fatigue and painful injuries such as shin splints, pulls, and strains
  • Clean fragrance will keep you smelling fresh during and after your workout
*Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.
SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Coconut, Original

18 reviews for SWEET SWEAT STICK

  1. www

    I have the standard mom pooch that just won’t go away no matter how much I work out or my diet. I’ve been using this for about a week now and notice a difference. I use it every day and noticed after a few days that the “bloat” is gone. I don’t know if it’s just water weight lost but I haven’t gained back what was lost. I plan to continue using it to find out.

  2. Casey F.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I don’t ever sweat on my own and if I do, it’s very little but I use this and wear a waist trimmer under my clothes when going to the gym and by the time I am done with my work out, I am sweating so much that it goes through my clothes! I’ve seen a lot of progress with this combined with the trainer and I absolutely love it!

  3. Rose L.

    I have tried ALOT of creams, serums, gels etc. when working out. THIS is thee ONLY thing that has shrunk my problem areas.

    Now let me start by saying, that I DO work out, I DID NOT just sit on my behind and except miracles ever. & I’ve tried straight working out
    (cardio with strength training) & diet (clean eating), Eveline, Gel-V, & Albolene…. & I went from 215 lbs down to 135 lbs., but I still had a gut/pouch at 135 using these creams and gels. So this is what I did before using Sweet Sweat. Because I didnt want to get skinnier, I put on 15-20 more pounds so that I could lose the gut with Sweet Sweat (knowing that I would lose weight in the process again)….. & I’ll be doggone the inches literally FELL OFF!!!!! ….

    I did the same process for gel/cream, so this is how I know Sweet Sweat works better than all of them.
    I rubbed it on my stomach, love handles, sides, and back… wrapped my midsection in plastic wrap, then put on my waist trainer. Got on the eliptical for 30 minutes (at least). Then (sometimes, but not all the time, typically when I’m really stressed) go the sauna for about 10 minutes. When I get home and cut off the plastic wrap there is so much sweat that I have to put a towel on the floor to catch it all….. this is no lie. The sweat just falls out of the plastic wrap and just pours down my leg. People, this IS NOT the product melting, because I do not put on a thick layer, or that liberal of an amount cause I’m frugal, I want it to last as long as it can.

    I’m gonna post before and after, and after pics… hope these are helpful.

  4. royalpmz

    I love this product! I use it while I am working out and when I am sitting in my sauna session at the end of each week. I pair it with the sweet sweat belt and it just drops off w/ sweat when I am done! It is well worth the money. My body has never looked better and the fat around my tummy has melted off.

    I have to admit I also had some extra help from a supplement called Naturabest Advanced Forskolin. That helped suppress my appetite, gave me more energy, helped me burn fat and it’s all natural. I am extremely happy with my results and recommend it to anyone looking to tighten their core.

  5. Shirley

    I have been using this product for about a month now and I don’t know if it’s the product that’s helping me lose weight or my motivation. However, It does make you sweat! I’m drenched in sweat after my daily 4 mile run! I dont eat healthy and I drink a lot of beer so it might be Sweat Sweet doing the magic!

  6. Morris

    I used this product before and I lost a total of 15 inches of my waist. The product feels greasy and slippery but once you get in the moment and your body starts to get warm you feel the sweet sweat working. You must remember this product isn’t going to work alone you have to put some initiative into wanting to change your life style; but, the product is an excellent choice; it works.


    This Sweet Sweat Stick works wonders! I typically use it during my cardio workout with my Sweet Sweat waist trainer and I can feel the difference after about 10 mins of exercise. I suggest you drink a lot of water throughout the day or make sure you are hydrated before your first few workouts with this or you’ll feel very uncomfortable. (at least in conjunction with the waist trainer). It delivers results immoderately and you can use it on your thighs or arms if you’d like. If you are in a warm climate or if it’s summertime, be sure not to leave it in your hot car or the product WILL melt away. Store at room temp. ** And it smells great! Good Luck!

  8. Jennifer Socin

    I started my weight loss journey in 2017 and shortly found out that i did not sweat on my own. At least not the amount that i wanted. I found SWEET SWEAT on amazon and it has changed my life. it helped me lose 40+ pounds in less than a year. During all of my workouts i can honestly say that i feel like i burned some fat! I feel better, feel slimmer and i can definitely say that sweet sweat was a large part of it. i have told all of my family about it and they have started using it and reaching their weight loss goals with the help of SWEET SWEAT. Thank you SWEET SWEAT for helping me find myself and encouraging me to push harder!

  9. Cherie

    This sweet sweat stick works amazing with the sweet sweat waist trainer.. I wear it all day at work 5 days a week and been using it for a month & lost 2 inches around my waist plus 15 pounds in only a month.. i bought two of my sisters one and they love it.. only thing is that if u use it 5 days a week the sweet sweat stick stuff dont last long .. on my sec bottle now i ran out of it in like 2 to 3 weeks 🙁 so this is very costly…

  10. Amber

    I freaking love this stuff. I’m a body builder and been using it for a decade. The roller stick is super convenient compared to the jar you have to dig your fingers into. Use it with the Sweet Sweat waist trainer during workouts for killer results. HIGHLY recommend!


    This stuff really makes you sweat! and it smells great! It does slowly come off onto gym equipment and leaves a greasy film on gym equipment, which you can easily wipe off, especially if you’re wearing shorts and the gym. What sucks though is that you sweat so much that when you wipe off your sweat, you end up wiping off some of the product, especially if you apply it to your arms. Ehsy’d htrsy id yhsy you only need to apply a think layer, if you apply too much, then you end up looking shiny and greasy. Overall it’s a great product!

  12. Rick Lee

    Y’ALL. This stuff is insane. I was skeptical at first but I decided to give it a shot because I don’t usually sweat a whole lot during my workouts. I put on sweet sweat on my belly/back with the waist trainer, and also on my thighs and upper arms on its own then walked to the gym, did some cardio and walked back home. My arms and legs did sweat but not SO significantly that I was like “wow!” WHOLE different story when I took off the waist trainer. I was NOT expecting so much sweat build up, when I tool off the waist trainer there was literally a WATERFALL OF SWEAT that poured onto the ground – very gross but so satisfying seeing as I never sweat that much. So next time I use this I’ll know to stand on a towel or something before taking it off.

    DONT be Skeptical just buy it!!! It will make you want to workout and test the limits of this product and your body.

  13. Alexis

    I use this before I train either cardio or weights. Ive only use it with a waist trainer and the amount of sweat I get at the end is surreal.

  14. Kyla

    I actually use 3 products, I use the stick and two sweat belts. I use one as low on my hips, stomach area and I got a smaller one to wear on the area just under my chest and I LOVE all of them. I feel like I can see my hard work when I am done and I love that because I work hard. I have lost just over 50 pounds since January and sweet sweat has been with me my whole journey

  15. Siobhan M.

    After reading most of the reviews I decided to go ahead and try it … and im soooo happy I did ! I was afraid it was gonna give me an allergic reaction but it did not ! I LOVE IT ! Got it in the mail today and used it as directed right before my cardio sesh, and to be honest with you 10 mins in the treadmill was enough to get me sweating and pumpin! My whole shirt was sweaty as if I ran for 30 mins! I’m very pleased with the results and will from now on use this on daily basis !

  16. Alyson G.

    It’s an okay product. It didn’t work the first time I used it but then I really lathered it on the second time and boy was my stomach and back sweaty. I didn’t buy the belt, but the product still works without it. I like using it right now because it’s super cold in my gym so it helps me warm up faster during my runs. I’ll finish this stick but I probably won’t dish out the money to buy this again

  17. Kimberly I.

    Love this sweet sweat! Important to note, however, keep away from clothes and heat! It can become very liquidy and the oils in it can stain your clothes. Other than that I absolutely love it in combination with the waist trimmer when I go in the sauna and do my stair workout, I sweat a ton it’s gross and awesome!

  18. Kendrick Dean

    So the fat burners and waist trainers I hope you all know are not real and do not work. I bought the sweet sweat stick because I enjoy sweating a lot. In the first 5 minute of LISS cardio, I was sweating, DRIPPING sweat everywhere the way I usually get if I work out for over 30 minutes at a higher intensity. But even more so, cause I have never dripped sweat before, especially on my face. Maybe down my back, but oh man this does make you sweat like crazy. And it warms you up really fast too.

    The substance is basically different oils and white petroleum jelly. I left some on one day for a bit, and it dries like … a different substance if you know what i mean. It leaves like that…plasticy flakes? Anyways, if you enjoy sweating a lot and want to sweat more then it works.

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