(13 customer reviews)


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Sports Research Biotin with organic coconut oil supports healthy skin, hair and nails. Biotin is a B vitamin necessary for cell growth and the metabolism of amino acids and fats.*

  • Hair, skin and nail support*
  • Non-GMO & gluten-free
  • Formulated with coconut oil
*Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

13 reviews for BIOTIN (5000MCG)

  1. Joe

    pros- it works! I have thinning late 30’s hair and this has boosted its fullness and its length but after 2 1/2 months of religiously taking these I’ve noticed its lush abundance, less hair fall especially in the shower and it has a youthful sheen! its small and its slight coconut scent makes it easy to swallow, its cheap! cheaper than gummy bear hair which are an absolute ripoff considering what they actually are and only contains half the biotin. cons- it can give me an upset tummy considering the high dosage but if taken before bed you can sleep through it, its been almost 3 months on and there have not been any other ‘unpleasant’ side effect such as this. it also purely biotin so supplementing other vitamins is necessary but easily done and still cheaper than overpriced hair gummies

  2. Eric

    Sports research makes a very good biotin at a reasonable price. The pills are easy to swallow and don’t give me indigestion like some other biotin pills do. I took these for three months and definitely had some hair and nail growth from this biotin

  3. xiao huang

    Sports research makes a very good biotin at a reasonable price. The pills are easy to swallow and don’t give me indigestion like some other biotin pills do. I took these for three months and definitely had some hair and nail growth from this biotin. But, if you can afford to spend a little more, a much more complete hair loss pills is Propidren Propidren DHT Blocker with Saw Palmetto to Prevent Hair Loss and Stimulate Hair Follicles to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair – it is a bit pricey but works much better than biotin alone, works better than even many prescription hair loss products I have tried.


    A little over a month’s difference. My hair feels thicker & is visibly longer! I didn’t take it consistently. Thumbs up for sure!

  5. jason.L

    These are great… My hair and nails are growing like crazy. The only negative side effect that I noticed, was that I was breaking out. This is quite common when taking Biotin, so I started taking Zinc along with it, and that seems to have calmed that problem down.

  6. Suzy T

    My hair has never been longer! Nothing I tried would make my hair grow faster and healthier. I have been taking these pills since February on and off and when I constantly take them, i feel my nails and hair are healthier and grow faster. When I stop taking the pills, I notice my nails get weak again. The past 2 months I have been taking 2 pills every night before bed, and it seemed to help speed up hair growth. Overall, I feel I have had more than 4 inches of growth in just a few months.I love these pills and can not find a better, more affordable product with great results! I also did not break out with these pills, but I don’t usually break out, so it can just be my skin type.

  7. scaryd

    I have been using SR Biotin for over 6 months now. I purchased it as a recommendation from my doctor as my fingernails keeps splitting. This did the trick. Amazing how much healthier my nails are now. I found that 10,000mcg is needed however so had to take two of the 5000 initially but have since purchased SR’s 10,000mcg capsules. Works great!

  8. Caitlin B. Campbell

    My hair is highly dense but composed of fine stands, quite long (if let down, longest layer is 23″), wavy, and hasn’t been colored in 6+ years.
    I don’t take it daily, probably 3-5 times a week in conjunction with vitaFusion Women’s daily gummies (5,400 mcg of biotin between the two supplements). I’m pleased with the results despite my intermittent use of the supplement. I haven’t experienced skin/face/scalp breakouts like others who have reviewed the product but I don’t have a high weekly intake.

    30-days: I noticed there was not as much shedding after showers or letting my hair air dry and that it felt smoother.

    60-days: many co-workers/friends complimented how healthy and thick my tresses looked. I started noticing about the same time my roots felt fuller and thicker.

    90-days: There is a significant amount of new growth (short and somewhat thicker strands that look frizzy because they aren’t long enough to lay flat), most of the new growth is between 1-2″ long. I can only describe the new, fuller hair growth as an undercoat that will eventually add a decent amount of volume.

    HOWEVER – there has been one unforeseen side affect of this product that I wasn’t expecting – my new hair growth is SILVER. I started getting gray/colorless strands ~12 years ago but I didn’t expect a dramatic increase of silver strands when taking supplements for hair growth. Correlation is not causation but it’s something I have noticed and thought may help curious customers.

    I will continue to take these at the current, casual rate and enjoy intended benefits as well as the accelerated propulsion into SilverFox status.

  9. john sun

    This biotin supplement works almost too well. Allow me to elaborate: for the first time ever, I noticed all these short new hairs popping up on the crown of my head, right along my part. I asked my hair stylist about it, and she said she’s seen this growth happen to people who take Biotin. I like the thickness and length this product has afforded me, but those tiny hairs that stick straight up all over the crown of my head are annoying! So in a nutshell, this supplement is super high-quality and yes, it really does work. Just beware of baby hairs sprouting all over the place (I imagine this wouldn’t bother those with shorter hair as they’ll blend better!).

  10. L-Diva

    I have 4c hair that grows at a rate that is significantly less than the average of 1/2 an inch per month. I have tried MSM, other biotin containing products with some improvement but not much. The highest other biotin I have tried was 3,000mcg so I am used to taking biotin. I decided to try this brand due to a recommendation on a forum I frequent.

    It is recommended to take one to two softgels daily and when I tried taking 2, I broke out really badly even though I drank a lot of water so I went back to one softgel a day and this seems to be working best for me.

    As far as my hair is concerned, I have seen significant growth in the two months or so of taking this and my hair seems to be growing at a rate that very close to the average monthly growth rate so I am happy about that. I also have thin hair and when my hair grows, I have struggled with “see through” ends causing me to cut off these ends in order for my hair to look better. However, as my hair has grown with this product, my ends are not as see through as before and my hair actually looks thicker which is awesome.

    As far as my nails are concerned which have always broken easily, any biotin product I take including this one speeds up the growth of my nails but since biotin does not strengthen them, they still break off so I always keep them short because with or without biotin, they are still weak and will break.

    As far as skin, I can’t really say since I try to take good care of my skin and I have a set regimen that is working for me. Is the biotin helping my skin? I can’t tell.

    Overall I like this product for my hair and would continue to buy. I may try the 2 softgels again because if 5,000mcg can give me good results, I wonder what 10,000mcg can do.

  11. yNatasha

    Can’t say I’ve noticed a huge difference in the hair growth in my head but nails are growing faster than ever! Only downside is my eyebrows and mustache (I’m a lady so I’d rather it not grown in!) grow back very quickly as well. I have to pluck my brows twice a week just to keep up!

    However it’s nice to see it is actually working, I can only assume it’s working hard on my hair too.

  12. katya

    I never take any pills or supplements, so I was skeptical about taking something to make my hair grow faster. But after a few weeks of taking it, it really did seem like my hair was speeding up! I was happy to learn about the weight loss side effects, but paid more attention to my hair. I got a really unfortunate haircut where the lady cut it way too short, so I was desperate for some sort of natural fix. I’d buy this again, but hopefully I’ll never get such a bad haircut again!


    This is my 3rd time buying this product. The 1st 2 times it worked amazing! My hair grew longer and thicker so I was very happy. But the last time I purchased this product the pills came a little more “oily” than usual (and I mean on the outside, they were sticky, not how they usually were the last 2 times I purchased). I know the bottle says they may appear “cloudy” because of the coconut oil but this last batch I got looked a little weird. They were cloudy on one side of the pill, and the other half of the pill was clear. I didn’t think much of it so I still took them as recommended. And yes my hair grew BUT the pills would actually give me stomach aches. And that did not happen the 1st 2 times I ordered these before. So I do give these 4 stars ONLY because it worked in the past and I loved my long hair. Maybe this time I just got a “bad” batch. Once I finish this bottle I will order them ONE more time and see if they look different. If they still hurt my stomach and have a weird look to them, then I will stop buying them.

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