(3 customer reviews)


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Collagen is one of the most important nutrients needed to ensure the health and vitality of your skin, hair, tendons, cartilage, bones and joints. Collagen production typically slows at a rate of 1.5% per year after the age of 25. As collagen production slows, the fibers in the body become brittle and begin to break down, resulting in many of the degenerative effects of aging. Supplementing daily with collagen peptides may help to counteract these effects.

  • Helps to support healthy joints and skin*
  • Gut-friendly formula; hydrolyzed for easy digestion*
  • Unflavored and water soluble––easy to mix in coffee, protein shakes, and soups
  • Note: May clump in ice-cold water
  • Contains Type 1 & 3 collagen
*Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

3 reviews for COLLAGEN PEPTIDES (16OZ)

  1. Gavilan

    First of all, thanks to the many reviewers who have posted here – it helped me make my decision between this brand and another leading brand that was significantly more expensive. I’m now on my second order of Premium Collagen Peptides and have been rather amazed by the results.

    I’m in my mid-30s and have always been an avid dancer, runner, hiker, and now outrigger paddler, so my joints have taken a beating and it finally started to show last year with chronic lower back pain, knee pain, elbow tightness, and reduced mobility in one of my shoulders. I was especially concerned about the shoulder issue so last October I went to a physical therapist who recommended exercises and collagen supplements. I was skeptical about the latter, to say the least. The exercises improved things somewhat, but I also wasn’t paddling at the time and knew that after the holidays I would be starting again. Plus, who wants to be having trouble getting out of bed in the morning when they’re 36?? I started taking these collage peptides on Feb 1, 2017 and it’s been 4 weeks. I also started paddling again 3 times a week. Here’s what I have noticed:

    1. Elbow pain and tightness completely disappeared within 2 weeks. I literally couldn’t sleep with my arm bent, and now it’s fine.
    2. Knee pain was also gone within 2 weeks. When I’m not paddling I run steep trails here in Hawaii and the downhills were starting to be really painful. No more.
    3. My shoulder has significantly improved over the 4 weeks – I still haven’t regained full mobility, and it’s sore when I perform certain movements, but I no longer cry out in pain every time I try to stretch it out.
    4. My lower back pain, due mostly to an old injury and unhappy discs, has dramatically improved. I’m still stiff some mornings but not so badly that I can hardly walk.
    If all that sounds like a crazy series of benefits, believe me, I feel you. I have a PhD and am skeptical of EVERYTHING, especially supplements. But there is no denying that I’m seeing dramatic improvements while still paddling and being active, and that was after three months of doing only physical therapy with minimal improvement.

    I know a lot of you take these for hair, skin, and nails. It seems from others’ experiences that it may take longer for those effects – maybe 2 months instead of 1. Nevertheless, I have good skin that’s prone to dryness even in the tropics, and that seems to have improved in these last 4 weeks. My hair might also be growing faster, as I’m seeing a lot more of those little wispy new hairs around my temple (wish so many of them weren’t gray…). If I suddenly wake up and look 10 years younger in the next few weeks, I’ll be back to update this, haha. But for the time being I am going to continue to take this supplement and highly recommend it to others. I just wish I’d started back in October when my phys. therapist said to!

    On mixing and flavor, I add a scoop this to coffee, tea, soups, hot water and apple cider vinegar (I love it!), yogurt, smoothies, and have no issue with the consistency or taste. One scoop a day and my first can is lasting into the second month. Give it a try, especially if you’ve got unhappy joints!!

    *************** Update after 3 months!
    I love it when people actually update their reviews…

    I’ve been taking collagen peptides, one scoop a day, for 3 months now. Everything that I said above still holds, my joints are in much less distress due to my active lifestyle, my shoulder problems have nearly disappeared (though I don’t expect it to ever fully be great until I stop paddling), and I generally feel good overall. What IS different is my hair, nails, and skin:

    Hair is growing insanely fast. How do I know this? Because I touch up my roots to cover grays, which I needed to do every 4 weeks (exactly) and now have to do it between 2 and 3 weeks. That is INSANE. There is also much more new hair that is now very noticeable, which I mentioned earlier. Also insane.

    Nails are growing equally quickly and are strong, but they always were strong. Still, super fast growth compared to before.

    And finally, fact: my skin is far more hydrated than it was pre-collagen. This is nice, because it seriously used to flake and be grumpy even in the tropics. I still have fine lines and wrinkles thanks to smiling …but my skin somehow seems more thick and the lines aren’t as obvious? Under no circumstances do I believe they will go away (not going to stop smiling), but this has been a neat benefit.

    Bottom line after 3 months is I feel great, I’m happy with the aesthetic benefits, and I’ll gladly touch up my roots more often to have thicker hair! Just buy the stuff already.

  2. Tanya WIlbanks

    It was a girlfriend that let me in on her little secret. I was commenting one day about how noticeably smoother, brighter and softer her skin looked. I mean, REALLY noticeably younger and more refreshed. If I didn’t know her better, I’d have assumed she got botox, but she admitted she had been using collagen peptides for about 3 weeks. I couldn’t place my order fast enough. When it arrived, I have to be honest, it was hard for me to consume. Most people say it has no taste and no odor, but it does have a unique taste that I don’t really care for. On a side note, If I had a super power, it would be my strong sense of smell, so I’m sure that’s connected to the off taste of the powder. My desire for smoother, younger looking skin overpowered the displeasure of drinking collagen peptides in my morning coffee… I faithfully drank 2 servings a day for about 2 weeks when I saw my first noticeable result, but it wasn’t fewer wrinkles as I had hoped…
    In less than 2 weeks of daily collagen doses, I was totally without cellulite!!! As in GONE! I’ve had cellulite since I was 10 (thanks family heredity) Wearing shorts has always been a bit uncomfortable for me, never wanting to cross my legs knowing those cute little dimples would run the length of my outer thighs. As I’ve gotten older, the familiar rippled skin was visible even just standing, starting just above my knees. So you can imagine my absolute surprise when stepping out of the shower one day to perfectly smooth skin. Seriously, even as I write this, I’m looking down at smooth legs where bumpy legs used to live. And after about 3 months of continued use, I can say fine lines around my eyes have softened. Overall, the skin on my face does look younger, more refreshed, and smoother, but if none of that was a factor, I’d still recommend this product, because I love living without cellulite.
    I can’t say this is a guaranteed side effect for all that use collagen peptides. In fact I shared this with my friend, and she never noticed a reduction of cellulite on her own leg, but I personally believe she had a better response of reduced signs of aging on her face than I did. Either way, if you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to try the product, I’d say, TRY IT!

  3. Tanya

    I received an email from Sports Research asking if this product met my expectations. My answer is.. not even close!! I started taking this about 3 months ago. I was having some skin trouble and after some research found that collagen might help so I went searching for something and came across this product on Amazon. I really dislike these powder supplements and only chose this one after reading a review from someone who mentioned she put it in her morning coffee and I thought “I can do that!”. Worst case scenario would be it wouldn’t help with the skin issue but I would have great hair and nails, no harm no foul. What I completely ignored were all the reviews about the joints. I have had osteoarthritis since I was 16 and have tried every product known to man and nothing ever helped. At 32 my orthopedic surgeon was going to replace both my knees and I not so politely declined. I am 47 now and for almost 2 decades I have been taking 800 – 8000 mgs of ibuprofen daily just to be able to move.

    Less than 2 weeks after I started taking this once a day in my morning coffee (thank you fellow reviewer!) I realized I hadn’t taken a single ibuprofen in over a week. I hadn’t been able to bend my knees past a 90 degree angle for I couldn’t even tell you how long and now they move and work like normal knees with not even the slightest discomfort. I went from sitting 12 – 16 hours a day to “holy crap I can’t stop moving”. Excess weight is falling off like nothing, my overall health has drastically improved, and I am getting out and doing things I was never capable of before. Not living with the pain and excessive amount of ibuprofen has even changed my overall demeanor and outlook on life.

    I don’t know what else to say. How do you review a product that literally gives you your life back? All I can do is thank the makers and the reviewer who made me want to try it. THANK YOU!!!!

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