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The 100% Plant-Based, Whole-Food Meal Replacement

  • 21 Grams of Protein Per Serving
  • Fortified with 12 All-Natural Superfoods
  • Fueled with Natural Whole Foods Vitamins
  • Enhanced with Probiotics and Fiber
  • High Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid Content
  • Free of Dairy, Soy & Animal Protein
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A convenient and complete whole-food liquid meal

Adding RawFusion™ to your diet is an easy way to add 100% plant-based protein, but what about a convenient and complete whole-food liquid meal?

The release of RawFusion’s 100% raw plant-based protein matrix turned the world of protein on its head. With everyone from athletes to full vegans to vegetarians to those simply looking for a more balanced and healthy approach to increasing their protein intake, people from every walk of life have raved about the taste and quality of this natural and raw plant-based protein. In fact, so many have taken it on as their main source of supplemental protein that they’ve been pleading for a WHOLE FOOD MEAL REPLACEMENT based on RawFusion protein. We listened…Introducing RAWFUSION COMPLETE™!


Baobab Information - RawFusion Complete

Rawfusion Complete delivers the ultimate balanced-meal approach to plant-based nutrition

Our quest to develop and deliver the premiere all-plant protein formula didn’t end when we created the ever-popular Rawfusion protein. We took the vigorous research and development of our non-GMO, all-natural, and gluten- and allergen-free plant protein and created a fully-balanced and wholesome meal replacement that delivers the same 21 grams of custom bio-fermented protein per serving. That means you now have a whole-food liquid meal covering all you’re A-Z nutritional needs.

With 18 grams of low glycemic carbohydrates per serving, plus all-natural sweeteners like Stevia, RAWFUSION COMPLETE gives you scrumptious and energy-sustaining nutrition that won’t give you a midday sugar slump. Six grams of fiber keeps things moving and also ensures that you feel comfortably satisfied until your next meal. The custom plant-based digestive enzyme matrix ensures that you completely utilize the full spectrum of WHOLE-FOODS sourced vitamins, and the 100% NATURAL vitamin-and-mineral blend means you’re not forced to ingest synthetic vitamins after all the hard work you’ve put into eating a clean and healthy diet.

What makes Rawfusion Complete?

Ingredient Matrix - RawFusion Complete

Custom all-natural whole food blend of multi-vitamin, mineral & greens complex

Ingredients Matrix cont'd - RawFusion Complete

RAWFUSION COMPLETE™ goes multiple steps beyond your typical meal replacement powder. Our fully comprehensive high ORAC (short for oxygen radical absorbance capacity) containing superfoods matrix would be sufficient on its own, but we’ve also added Baobab. Known as the “Tree of Life,” Baobab has the highest ORAC score [1400] currently found in any Superfood. This unique and delicious superfood is found only in regions of Africa/Madagascar and it’s known for its ability to boost immune and nervous system health while restoring electrolyte balance and revitalizing energy levels.

Rounding out our unique and robust nutrient profile is the powerful antioxidant and recovery powerhouse Tart Cherry, which is sourced from the same raw ingredients backed by the clinical study by Dr. Richard Kreider from the Department of Health and Kinesiology, Exercise and Sport Nutrition Laboratory at Texas A&M University.

The powerful protein base in RAWFUSION COMPLETE comes from 100% raw pea protein isolate, sprouted brown rice, artichoke, and algae protein, creating a combination that’s ideal and complete whether you’re a strict vegan or you’re just looking for the healthiest and most nutritious and delicious meal replacement available.

If you’re looking for the most complete and balanced whole-food nutrition in an ultra-convenient and extraordinarily delicious, easy-to-drink formula, the search is over! RAWFUSION COMPLETE™ is your health-fulfilling dream meal come true.



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